Logo Design – Studio


A Brand for the Gen X technology user

With the ever increasing popularity of tablet devices, coupled with an evolving, diverse, and aging demographic, how does one formulate a logo identity that suits well for them while respecting the essence of tablet computing.

Project Timeline

December 2022



Design Processes

Secondary Market Research, Demographic Analysis, Concept Generation and Ideation, Logo Design


Adobe Illustrator

Market Research

Consumer Values

40 – 60 Year Old Audience, Middle Aged
  • Usually referred to as Generation X, but has a small overlap with the millennial generation.
  • Prefer more direct-to-the-face, sincere, independent and personalized approaches when it comes to marketing.
Largely Healthy, Working
  • Reduced acuity (ability to see things brightly and sharply) begins at the age of 50, so that must be taken into consideration when designing for them.
  • People of this range start to lean into remembering event-based memory easier than time-based memory.
Direct and Practical
  • As people get older, the preference to warm colors get stronger, and general color preferences progressively get more exuberant and “enthusiastic” than usual.
  • An important thing to note is that people born in the 1960-1980 range are more likely to accept a much more diverse range of colors than what the normal pattern dictates, and tend to prefer more “practical colors”.

Section Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Logo Concepts


Key Word


Tablo or Tableau typically represents a group of people in a scene but can be interpreted as a direct word play on “tablet”.

The age group this logo is going to be geared for is very adamant to a quick, blunt and straight to the point brand that makes them quick to associate with.

Final Design

Final Design

Marriage of nature into technology

Unique factors that has shaped the market for this logo’s tastes and culture makes it a slight departure from the norm but it is practical.

Direct Abstraction

Browser tabs are symbolized due to its que to multitasking which is a big part of a tablet computer’s feature set.


A modified Europa Typeface has the geometric and weight characteristics that makes it fit with the icon.

Farage, M. A., Miller, K. W., Ajayi, F., & Hutchins, D. (2012, February 29). Design principles
to accommodate older adults. Global journal of health science. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC47

Sherwin Williams. (n.d.). Generations of Color. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://www.sherwin-williams.com/painting-contrac tors/color/color-education/color-theory/sw -articlepro-generationscolor

Yuan Lee, W., Min, G., & Cherng Lee, L. (2009, January 1). Is Color Preference Affected by Age Difference. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-color-pre ference-order-for-different-age-groups_fig1_26785 7549